We often read a statement from the Security Service of Ukraine: Exclusively within the limits of the Constitution of Ukraine and current legislation, as well as respecting us, the citizens of Ukraine, and the rights of every citizen, to freedom of choice of religion and worldview, in its activities, the Security Service of Ukraine, as well as taking care of the protection dignity and honor of a citizen”.
And what really?!
In the absence of suspicion of the commission of a crime and without the delivery of an indictment on the crime committed, for the seventh month on the website of the SBU of Ukraine there are published materials of the Orthodox Cathedral of Uzhhorod, such as photos of the Ruthenian flag, Rusyn’s books, Rusyn’s symbols, Rusyn’ newspapers, Rusyn’s magazines, with the post “the flag of the so-called Republic of Subcarpathian Rus” with the text of the anthem of the “Subcarpathian Rus”, as well as their comment regarding the published materials: “Currently, all seized materials have been sent for examination for further procedural actions.”
Probably the SBU, by the words “current legislation” means the Resolution of the Supreme Court dated 27.02.2009 No. 1 “On judicial practice in cases of protection of the dignity and honor of an individual, as well as the business reputation of an individual and a legal entity”, which indicates the obligation to observe and SBU Article-3 of the Constitution of Ukraine, when it “protects” our “honor and dignity, inviolability and security, which are recognized as the highest social value in Ukraine.”
The question is open: the photos published on the website of the SBU and constantly distributed by Media in Ukraine, taken during “counter-intelligence (security) measures” on the territory of the Uzhhorod Cathedral Orthodox Cathedral on December 14, 2023, by employees of the Security Service of Ukraine, are proof of what crime?
The second question: with respect to which citizen’s rights will these materials appear on the website of the Security Service of Ukraine in the article entitled “The Security Service of Ukraine discovered in the dioceses of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (MP) (…), warehouses of propaganda literature (…)”, and with the post: “At the moment, all seized materials sent for examination to take further procedural actions.”

Since I am not aware of any procedural actions…?! https://ssu.gov.ua/novyny/sbu-vyiavyla-v-yeparkhiiakh-upts-mp-rosiiski-pasporty-sklady-propahandystskoi-literatury-ta-perepustky-okupantiv